This page provides a list of publications of the research group and associated researchers about microscopic pedestrian simulations and the underlying models. The list of publications in BibTeX format can be downloaded here.


Simulations with Vadere

If you use Vadere for your research, please cite:

Benedikt Kleinmeier, Benedikt Zönnchen, Marion Gödel, Gerta Köster: Vadere: An Open-Source Simulation Framework to Promote Interdisciplinary Understanding. In: Collective Dynamics, vol. 4, 2019.

Simulations in General

Felix Dietrich, Gerta Köster, Michael Seitz, Isabella von Sivers: Bridging the gap: From cellular automata to differential equation models for pedestrian dynamics. In: Journal of Computational Science, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 841–846, 2014.
Michael J Seitz: Simulating pedestrian dynamics: Towards natural locomotion and psychological decision making. Technische Universität München, 2016.
Michael J Seitz, Felix Dietrich, Gerta Köster, Hans-Joachim Bungartz: The superposition principle: A conceptual perspective on pedestrian stream simulations. In: Collective Dynamics, vol. 1, pp. A2, 2016.

Microscopic Locomotion Models

The webpage summarizes basic concepts of microscopic crowd models such as the Optimal Steps Model, the Gradient Navigation Model, or the Social Force Model. For detailed explanations, we refer to the scientific articles listed below.

Optimal Steps Model (OSM)

Michael J Seitz, Gerta Köster: Natural discretization of pedestrian movement in continuous space. In: Physical Review E, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 046108, 2012.
Michael J Seitz, Gerta Köster: How update schemes influence crowd simulations. In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 2014, no. 7, pp. P07002, 2014.
Michael J Seitz, Felix Dietrich, Gerta Köster: The effect of stepping on pedestrian trajectories. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 421, pp. 594–604, 2015.
Isabella von Sivers, Gerta Köster: Dynamic Stride Length Adaptation According to Utility And Personal Space. In: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 74, pp. 104–117, 2015.

Gradient Navigation Model (GNM)

Felix Dietrich, Gerta Köster: Gradient navigation model for pedestrian dynamics. In: Physical Review E, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 062801, 2014.

Social Force Model (SFM)

Dirk Helbing, Péter Molnár: Social Force Model for pedestrian dynamics. In: Physical Review E, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 4282–4286, 1995.
Gerta Köster, Franz Treml, Marion Gödel: Avoiding numerical pitfalls in social force models. In: Physical Review E, vol. 87, no. 6, pp. 063305, 2013.

Cognitive Heuristics (BHM)

Michael J Seitz, Nikolai W F Bode, Gerta Köster: How cognitive heuristics can explain social interactions in spatial movement. In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 13, no. 121, pp. 20160439, 2016.

Biomechanics Model (BMM)

Michael J Seitz: Simulating pedestrian dynamics: Towards natural locomotion and psychological decision making. Technische Universität München, 2016.

Reynolds Steering

Craig W Reynolds: Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters. Game Developers Conference, Miller Freeman Game Group, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA, 1999.

Models including Psychology

Isabella von Sivers, Anne Templeton, Florian Künzner, Gerta Köster, John Drury, Andrew Philippides, Tobias Neckel, Hans-Joachim Bungartz: Modelling social identification and helping in evacuation simulation. In: Safety Science, vol. 89, pp. 288–300, 2016, ISSN: 0925-7535.
Benedikt Kleinmeier, Gerta Köster, John Drury: Agent-Based Simulation of Collective Cooperation: From Experiment to Model. In: 0000.

Navigation Fields for Wayfinding

Tobias Kretz: Pedestrian traffic: on the quickest path. In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 2009, no. 03, pp. P03012, 2009.
Dirk Hartmann: Adaptive pedestrian dynamics based on geodesics. In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 12, pp. 043032, 2010.
Benedikt Zönnchen: Navigation around pedestrian groups and queueing using a dynamic adaption of traveling. Hochschule München, 2013.
Benedikt Zönnchen, Matthias Laubinger, Gerta Köster: Towards faster navigation algorithms on floor fields. In: Hamdar, Samer H (Ed.): In Traffic and Granular Flow '17, pp. 307–315, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-11440-4.

Misc Models

Small Group Coherence

Gerta Köster, Michael Seitz, Franz Treml, Dirk Hartmann, Wolfram Klein: On modelling the influence of group formations in a crowd. In: Contemporary Social Science, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 397–414, 2011.
Michael Seitz, Gerta Köster, Alexander Pfaffinger: Pedestrian Group Behavior in a Cellular Automaton. In: Weidmann, Ulrich; Kirsch, Uwe; Schreckenberg, Michael (Ed.): Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012, pp. 807–814, Springer International Publishing, 2014.

Seating Behavior

Jakob Schöttl: Modelling passengers' seating behavior for simulations of pedestrian dynamics. Munich University of Applied Sciences, 2016.